Join the Rally April 8 at 3:30 PM, Simcoe Hall 27 King’s College Circle
Join us on April 8th to call on governors to make responsible decisions that hold up the University’s mandate to provide quality, affordable education and respect students' rights.
UofT plans to raise tuition by 8% for deregulated professional programs and international students and 4.3% for regulated programs. Last year the University rammed through a 66% tuition increase with the introduction of Flat Fees. At the same time, the University has attempted to cut programs integral to the University, such as the Transitional Year Program, the Disability Studies program, Area Studies, Women Studies, Health Studies, Forestry, and the language programs at UTSC.
In 2008-2009, the University lost over a billion dollars due to risky investments. This is despite the fact that we have been telling them for years to invest in students directly. Students could instead have had free education for numerous years. Students in Ontario already pay the highest tuition in the country and have a combined national student debt of 12 billion dollars. Part-time students are still denied the University’s financial aid guarantee, although they contribute equally to UTAPS funding.
As student unions challenge the University’s draconian policies that are eroding its commitment to access and equity, the UofT is attempting to undermine student’s political power by creating an opt-out union membership. This is a clear attempt at union-busting! The University has no jurisdiction over autonomous student unions and as such must negotiate with these bodies in good faith on all subsequent matters. Moreover, students who have previously challenged fee hikes (i.e. in March 2008) were handed trumped-up criminal charges by the police and were threatened with investigations under the Code of Student Conduct. Although all charges have been dropped to date, this continues to be a shocking reminder of the University’s attempt to intimidate and silence students concerned about increasing fees.
Students have the following demands:
1. Repeal the Flat Fees and no more fee increases!
2. Stop Union Busting - halt any plans for an opt-out of student union membership.
3. Abolish the Code of Student Conduct - this is a tool of repression and a means to stifle dissent.
Come out on Thursday, make some noise and have your say!
There will be speakers, performers and free food at the rally!
Contact: Joeita Gupta (416-918-1935)